For more information email Bill or call 715-830-9838
TREE CLIMBERS (grades K-1)
If you are the father (or grandfather or uncle or friend) of a Kindergarten or 1st grade boy, Tree Climbers is for you! This weekly adventure offers you the opportunity to spend productive time with your son while learning about God and the world God made. Tree Climbers meetings include a fun opening, awesome games (dads playing with their boys), a hands-on project, Bible memory and a great story to tie it all together. The most important feature is relationship. Dads spending time with their son and other dads who are raising their boys – IRON SHARPENS IRON. Tree Climbers is for boys and MEN! It’s an investment that will pay rich dividends for years to come.
Meetings are held Thursday nights from 6-7:15pm in The Brigade Room (by the Valleybrook Garage on Graham Ave).

For more information email Bill or call 715-830-9838
STOCKADE (grades 2-5)
Valleybrook Church hosts a STOCKADE Unit from 6-7:30pm on Monday night in The Brigade Room (by the Valleybrook Garage on Graham Ave). The program is for boys ages 7-10 (and their dads) and provides an opportunity for Christian men to spend time with and mentor boys. Along with fun games, boys participate in activities that involve exciting growth experiences: physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. It’s an action-packed ministry of regular meetings and special activities. A typical meeting includes and Opening (sets up the evening); Games (dads and boys playing together); Post Time (learning how Scripture applies to life); Project Time (hands on learning of Life Skills); and an inspiring Story (ties it all together). STOCKADE also provides fun, spiritual mentors for boys without a dad.
An integral part of Stockade is camp. CSB is affiliated with a large number of Christian Boys Camps across the US and Canada. Each summer, boys have the opportunity to attend Father/Son camp and/or Stockade Camp with boys from other regions. These camps provide an excellent experience for our boys (and men) with activities including archery, shooting sports, rockets, woodworking, swimming, boating, Bible studies, campfires and excellent food. Our nearest camp is Camp Nathanael in Minnesota. (see: www.campnathanael.com) If you are interested in a scouting experience with a Christian focus – STOCKADE is the answer.

For more information call Mike Fitzgerald at 715-577-9731
BATTALION (grades 6-12)
Battalion is a discipleship ministry in which Christian men build personal relationships with teen guys and mentor them to be effective Christian leaders. Guided by adult men, these 11-18 year-old young men (grades 6-12) are not simply shown how to lead but are actually learning to lead – by leading. The young men in Battalion share experiences in peer group leadership through weekly meetings, the achievement program, service projects and outings, helping them to become leaders. What can you expect? Relational Based Fun, Action Driven Discipleship, Integrated Christian Service, Men Modeling Godly Manhood, Mentoring of Future Leaders, and Hands-on Leadership Experience for young men.
Battalion meets Tuesday nights from 6:30 – 8pm at Bethesda Lutheran Church (corner of State Street and Hamilton).