Global Missions

Ben and Sarah Robertson
Ben, Sarah, Phoebe, Jadon and Khloe Robertson are missionaries in the Czech Republic through Josiah Venture where they are partnering with God’s movement among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. Ben was on staff at Valleybrook until 2018, when Valleybrook had the joy and privilege of sending and commissioning the Robertsons to full time missionary ministry.

Ted and Nita Bukowski
Ted and Nita Bukowski, after years of ministry experience, feel their hearts drawn to Albania. Nita’s own journey of healing from abuse has given her a heart for the wounded. Her mission is to help the women of Albania to understand and experience who they are through God’s eyes. She also works in cooperation with Global MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) as an advocate in Albania for moms. Ted and Nita are inviting you to partner with them by investing your prayers, and your finances to reach the beautiful and yet broken people of Albania.

Mark and Peggy Halvorsen
Mark and Peggy Halvorsen run Teamwork Africa in Liberia. Teamwork Africa’s partnership with native Liberian church plants has seen dramatic results. From 2011 to 2014, 66 clean water wells have been installed and 166 wells repaired. Each providing safe water to villages that desperately needed it. In addition, orphans and children at risk are being cared for through our Starfish Kids sponsorship program, pastors are being provided resources to care for their villages, birth kits have been provided to enable a safer birthing experience for village women. We’re also continuing to raise support to equip local pastors to more effectively reach their villages. Through this partnership between individuals and churches in American with local village churches in Africa, eternity is being rewritten in the interior villages of Liberia.

Spencer Tuominen
Spencer first served with Josiah Venture (JV) in 2022 as a part of a short-term team serving at a Fusion and English camp in the Czech Republic. That first trip exposed him to the bold faith of the Czech people and Josiah Venture’s mission to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church. This transformed his heart for missions and after that trip, he pursued what missionary work might look like. Spencer is living in the Czech Republic serving with a local church while working on the JV software team to serve, encourage, and empower the movement of God in all the countries where JV serves.

Tom and Tanya Clyde
Tom and Tanya are joining this new initiative in the U.K. and Ireland that partners with national leaders and among diaspora communities to create church planting and revitalization networks. To see these many communities and peoples reached with the gospel, it will take a work of God and the collaboration of churches, organizations and believers. Many communities have no Jesus followers or witness of the gospel. In addition, there are over 5 million people living in the Uk and Ireland from least-reached people groups.
Local Missions
At Valleybrook we believe that sharing the life-changing love of God begins in our neighborhood. That is why Valleybrook partners with and supports organizations that have that same mission. Here are the following organizations that Valleybrook partners with and supports. Click on the organization to learn more.
Looking For Missions Support?
Valleybrook is committed to supporting local and global missions through prayer and finances. If you have a request for support, you can complete this form and someone on the Missions Team will be in touch with you.