Our Location
Valleybrook Church
412 S Barstow St
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Valleybrook is located in the heart of downtown Eau Claire. We are within walking distance from family housing, college housing, and apartment buildings. We are located in the historic Hollywood Movie Theater. Just look for the old movie theater marquee, and you will find us.
We are a downtown church with a few different options for parking. you can park behind Valleybrook in the parking ramp on Graham Ave. Or you can find a spot to park on the street (2-hour limit).
The offices are located across the street from the Hollywood Theater. The address is 411 S Barstow St. This is where you will meet with a pastor, go to Imitate Middle School & High School, find The Living Room, or find The Loft.
Office hours are Tuesday – Thursday from 10AM – 2PM.